Adjectives for Desert Storms (Mixed Color/B&W)

Adjectives for Desert Storms (Cool Tone B&W)

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Storms in the desert bring a variety of moods to the arid landscape, ranging from intense drama to quiet comfort. These moods depend as much on the nature of the storm as where one happens to be when encountering it. In the canyon country, storms can be a mortal threat, unleashing floods and bolts of lightning, washing away roads, sometimes causing rock and land slides. Viewed from safe shelters and vantage points, from higher elevations, or from a distance, they seem to meander quietly over the landscape, allowing shafts of light to pierce through the clouds like searchlights over the land, colorful rainbows, and silky veils of rain.

If only I could communicate to you, in images or words, the incredible smells of wet earth and the aromas released by desert plants when it rains. Alas, all media fall short in this regard.